Thursday, January 20, 2011

Who Says...

John Mayer:
- musician
- singer/songwriter
- music producer
- one of my favorite artists 

This song by John Mayer is titled "Who Says" (not one of my favorites) and it was one of the first songs to be released off his newest album "Battle Studies."  I think this song says a lot about the culture and society we are living in today. 

Who says I can't get stoned 
Plan a trip to Japan alone 
Doesn't matter if I even go 
Who says I can't get stoned

Throughout this song, and especially in these four short lines you really see this mentality of "I should be able to do whatever I want whenever I want and no one should be able to tell me otherwise."  
A lot of people in our society today have this same mentality.  I feel that this is why people are repelled away from Christianity. They think that if they become Christians they will suddenly not be able to go get that drink on the weekend or go to that party at a friend's and that turns then off to Christianity.  

One of the things I noticed in the music video for this song was that:
- he never seems happy, only content

This is what many people are settling for: contentment.  This is a sad but true fact. God has so much more for us then to simply be content.  God gives us free will which allows us the choice to do whatever we want; however if we are walking with Christ then it motivates us to choose to do things that bring God glory. 

1 comment:

  1. It's so true. Americans like to think that their time, their life and their money is their own to do with what they please, when the please and how they please.
    "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and give unto God what is God's."
    This is the key thing that stops me from thinking that way (though I do still catch myself looking at my Bible and thinking "I have other things to be doing with MY time than reading that- I have homework and....")
    We just have to keep in mind that our lives, our time, our energy was all given by God, and we should give it back to Him.
